July 2019 saw a huge revision of U.S. Army doctrine. Like everything in the Army though, as much as things change they also stay the same. One of the biggest revisions is the reintroduction of Command and Control into Army lexicon. One of the main reasons this was done was because the concept of Mission Command never took hold across the joint community. The joint force maintained command and control and when joint operations took place that was the terminology used. The reintroduction of command and control into army doctrine synchronizes the Army with the rest of the military arm of national power, yet how the Army approaches command and control will be familiar to anyone who has been leading in the Army over the last decade.
A Rose by Any Other Name
A Guest Post by Andrew Bordelon
The new mission command approach to command and control identified a confusing gap in command techniques for Army leaders. Prior to the revised 2019 publication of ADP 3-0 Operations and ADP 6-0 Mission Command, mission command and command and control were presented as two techniques for leaders to accomplish their mission. Both techniques had guiding principles, but the commander ultimately chose how much to empower or control a subordinate’s initiative. Both Mission command and command and control, as described in doctrine prior to 2019 strove to reach a similar endstate. A commander wants his subordinates to understand what they have to do and what information he needs to know throughout an operation. He understands that the “fog” of war will present unforeseen challenges to his unit. The two previous concepts were simply different ways to manage multiple subordinates working towards an end state. Today, these concepts have been codified into Mission Command doctrine. The new Mission Command doctrine lays out what the Army wanted to emphasize all along which is the importance of leadership.
Evolutions of Mission Command
A Guest Post by Christopher L'Heureux
Seven years after replacing command and control with mission command, the Army decided to bring it back. There was an oft-stated problem that mission command was a confused concept. It was a group of communications systems, a warfighting function, and a philosophy. The rewrite aimed to clear the ambiguity. In addition, the Army was on its own doctrinal island and the rewrite realigned the Army with sister service, joint, and allied doctrine that had retained the concept of command and control. Finally, the Army had an opportunity. We were planning to consolidate ADPs and ADRPs anyway.
The problem in the Army wasn’t understanding the difference between a CPOF, using mission orders and intent to get things done, and tasks and processes needed to produce orders. The problem was that we misunderstood the philosophy. Most commonly, leaders interpreted mission command as a hands-off approach to let subordinates figure it out. Mission command was decentralized command and control.
March Madness!
The Field Grade Leader Book Club
The Field Grade Leader is happy to announce our next book club – March Madness! Here’s all the info you need to get involved in the conversation:
- Buy the book and start reading! Over the next few weeks we’ll be reading The Centurions by Jean Larteguy.
- Go to our Facebook Page and RSVP yes for the event . We’ll use Facebook as home base for the conversation and a place to chat as our reading progresses.
- Again, discussion will occurs each week in Facebook comments for the event. We will post a leading question in the morning, then learn from each other’s responses through out the day. Here is the reading/discussion schedule we will stick to:
7 March: discuss the intro and section 1
14 March: discuss section 2
21 March: discuss section 3
- We’ll close out the book club with a Zoom session on the 28th of March at 5 PM eastern time. More to follow regarding dial in information.
Thanks for being involved!
Be a Student of History
A Guest Post by Nate Player
Soldiering is among the oldest professions, and the officer corps has existed for as long as written history itself. You are now part of that legacy. The leadership challenges you may face on and off the battlefield are not new. From tactics and strategy to unit morale and discipline, examples of both success and failure are easy to find. You have the opportunity and responsibility to learn from the mistakes of others as well as build on their past successes. During my time as an Assistant Professor of Military Science and throughout my military service generally it became clear many members of our profession fail to take advantage of the lesson’s history provides. Those who take the time to study military history almost uniformly outperform those who do not. A little after-hours effort on your part will pay dividends as your eyes are opened to the legacy of those who have come before you. To help you get started on your journey this article is divided into two parts: finding a professional hero to emulate, and some historical examples of how to solve some common leadership challenges.
The Need to Incentivize the Well-Rounded Leader
A Guest Post by Jamison Richart
Military leadership understands there is a problem with retention. Across the services, a common hot button issue is how to maintain a force large enough to meet the military’s requirements. To maintain current strength the services must recruit 150,000 individuals per annum to replace those who are choosing to leave, and this training bill in terms of manpower and money greatly detracts from readiness. This is true in both the enlisted and officer ranks and across career fields. With some training pipelines lasting anywhere from six months to two years the numbers game is academic.
A Candidate’s Thoughts on the Battalion Commander’s Assessment Program
A Guest Post by Tara Bradley
In full disclosure, if you think this article will provide some sort of insight to gain a foothold at the Battalion Commander’s Assessment Program (BCAP); it won’t. What it will do is provide some of my thoughts based on my attendance as part of FY20’s BCAP Cohort 002. There is a lot of mystery surrounding the program and within the scope I’m allowed, I will share my impressions on my involvement.
Perhaps due to my 16+ years within the legacy command slating process, I was skeptical on the utility of the BCAP. While the BCAP introduces multiple “vectors” of additional information for a board to consider, it also only presents a snapshot in time of an officer. You have a bad day, and your physical fitness test score is not as high as usual. You didn’t sleep well, and your assessments suffered. The reality is, although it is only a snapshot, it is also real life for a Battalion Commander. Not every day is a great day; sometimes it’s just okay. If the BCAP can provide some additional insight into the “wholeness” of an officer, or even just identify an officer who may potentially derail an organization with an abusive or toxic attitude, then I think it is worth a try.
Audiobooks are Life Changing
A Guest Post by Allie Weiskopf
Two years ago someone gave me an audio book (“Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less” by Greg McKeown, read it!) and it changed my life. Without altering time with work or family, I listened to 100 books in 2018, and I listened to 150 books in 2019 – audiobooks literally changed my life.
A Guest Post by Chris L'Heureux
Trust is a bedrock characteristic of the Army profession and leaders at all levels are expected to build it within their organizations. It is mentioned 196 times in the Army’s 132-page manual on leadership. Most importantly, trust is a critical enabling principle of our approach to the command and control of forces in combat. Our philosophy for action encourages adaptation. In simple terms, Army leaders tell subordinates what to do but not how to do it. This is surprisingly rare in other armies, but it allows us to adapt when conditions change and puts responsibility for decision-making in the hands of those with the new information. Our philosophy of mission command is epitomized by and cannot function without – trust.
The ACFT Prep Plan 2.0
The Field Grade Leader is excited to provide ACFT Prep Plan 2.0, an update to the programming Ed Arntson provided last July.
I tried out this original programming after publishing it last summer and was very happy with the results. I really enjoyed following the program given a demanding but easy to follow progression over eight weeks. At completion, I was stronger than ever on my deadlift and happy with the speed work results. The plan had great traction across our community with over 15,000 views last year.
ACFT Prep Plan 2.0 maintains key aspects of the original program but incorporates feedback Ed has received over the past few months. Amongst other improvements, he has increased focus on exercises to prepare for the sprint-drag-carry and the standing power throw.
Check out this fantastic program and let us know what you think!