
Happy New Year from Columbus, Georgia. After 5 years of publication, I am concluding The Field Grade Leader blog. What started as a place where I could capture my thoughts on leadership expanded and transformed into something much more important. It turned into a community, a space where people could share their ideas and seek resources for their own development. I could not be more proud of what the blog became and the difference it made to so many leaders.

Thanks to the individuals who made it possible, volunteering as the Field Grade Leader expanded. Most notably, there was Augie Gonzalez, who pitched in as an editor back in the early days. Tragically, Augie and other members of his family died in a car crash while PCSing from Fort Leavenworth after completing CGSC. His death still stings and serves as a constant reminder of how fleeting life can be. I’d also like to thank Billy, Russ, and Heather, all-stars among the Field Grade Leader team.

We will leave the articles online as a resource for future leaders in hopes the collective work will continue to provide value.

I wish you all the absolute best in your endeavors and appreciate everything you do for our Nation.
