Graduation Week 2020

This year’s Command General Staff College will be graduating and PCSing (hopefully) in the midst of a pandemic that has fundamentally changed the daily lives of people across the world. As these newly minted Majors head back out across the force they are taking the institutional knowledge imparted upon them that will continue to move the Army forward. But it is important to take a look at how COVID-19 has possibly changed some of these lessons learned in the classroom.

This year’s graduation week initiative will be focused on conducting an “after-action review” of sorts to take a look at how we did in the ongoing response to COVID-19. We all saw leaders across the force do an exceptional job leading organizations through this and we have also seen the struggles to break our norms like haircuts and mass formations for accountability. So how have we done? How will the Army’s experience and DOD inform the future? What systems succeeded or failed? Did Mission Command work in this de-centralized environment or did it prove we talk the talk, but not walk the walk with MC? Should more staff work be done via telework? How else will COVID-19 shape the force moving forward?

Contact us at if you are interested in writing a piece for Graduation Week or have additional questions.

Why We Read

A Guest Post by Joseph Michaels

Many – if not all – Field Grade Officers (FGOs) can recall the enormous leap from being a highly proficient tactician to an accomplished strategist at a Joint Command. Up until that point in their career, they had forged reputations based on applying their technical expertise in complex scenarios that left little time for second guessing and debate.  The first day serving at the operational or strategic level can be particularly nerve-racking.  After offering an extensive overview of the mission to a new Major in our Division at Joint Command, he asked how he could best prepare for his new position.  The response was simple; read as much as possible.  Professional developmental reading will always have a place in each officer’s growth, but every officer can benefit from purposeful reading that facilitates a depth of knowledge capable of assessing dynamic complexities across a wide spectrum of problems. 

Disease and Readiness

Lessons from the Russian Army in Chechnya

Town hall meetings across the Army in recent weeks have been filled with similar rhetoric from leaders: “we will be safe where possible, but we still have to train in order to maintain our readiness.”  Stories from social media and the Army Times have detailed the specifics of this guidance.  Large accountability formations, morning physical training in groups, physical fitness tests, Expert Infantryman Badge testing, barracks cleaning parties, units headed to the field to train, the stories of leaders flaunting CDC guidance are almost unending.  All of this is being done in the name of readiness.  Medical readiness is not simply about ensuring a unit is “green” on MEDPROS slides.  Leaders who blindly strive to meet requirements, without understanding or complying with the intent behind them, are missing the point.  Leaders seem to forget that health, perhaps more so than training, is an essential part of readiness.  While disease is an invisible threat, history shows us that ignoring it or treating it as a tangential factor in decision-making is a costly mistake.

The Sun Will Rise

Like you, I’ve spent the past few weeks glued to the news and social media. I’m concerned about all kinds of things, from the safety of my family to the global economy. These are scary times. Still, I’ve faced adversity before. We all have, right? The conditions may have been different, but we’ve all developed tools to survive challenging times. I’d like to offer a few thoughts, given my experience, to help work through these challenges together.

The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why It Matters by Tom Nichols

A book review by Chris L’Heureux

Current technology exposes people to massive and ever-increasing amounts of information. Nichols argues that this trove of knowledge paradoxically makes us dumber in his well-researched book. A small bit of knowledge fuels human bias giving us a false reason to believe we are experts. The Death of Expertise lays out how we got here.

Nichols, a professor at the US Naval War College, codifies something we see every day on TV talk shows and news channels: everyone is as smart as everyone else. ‘You’re wrong’ is the same as ‘You’re stupid.’ Reasoned arguments convince nobody and how we feel rules the day. Why do we all think we’re experts? We have access to massive amounts of instantaneous information, and we lack the ability to determine if it’s real or fake. We need to pause and reflect but technology imbibes us to comment without thinking. Our education system gives us an inflated sense of self. Everyone gets a trophy because bad grades aren’t good for business; top grades go to our heads. These things combine in the information space that feeds bias. Anti-vaxxers are a notable example. Despite many scientific studies to the contrary, the idea that the MMR vaccine leads to autism still exists. No doubt this problem will grow as 5G and AI make the information we look for easier to come by.

This danger in the military is greater. We flippantly talk in terms of mastery and claim ourselves experts in the fundamentals despite changing jobs every two years or less. Our personnel system values the breadth of experience and we hardly come close to hitting the 10,000-hour rule on any specific skill. Denying evidence to stay aligned with values and beliefs sounds like fighting the plan and not the enemy. How can I make the facts fit my theory? There are plenty of historical examples; the Chinese intervention in the Korean War readily comes to mind.

Nichols supplies few prescriptions. His stand-out recommendation is to develop the skill of metacognition: understanding one’s own thoughts. Studies show the less one knows about a topic, the more confident they are in their knowledge of the topic. Self-awareness might be the only way to get past this bias. But how?

Be eclectic. Get your information from various sources and perspectives. Read things that you know will piss you off and reflect. Study and be wary of bias. Take time to think. Nourish self-doubt. Question everything, especially your beliefs and cultivate someone to challenge you. This will help you realize that you do not have expert knowledge. How does the quote go? ‘The more I learn, the less I know.’ Lastly, listen to experts. That requires trust because they are not always correct. Experts have a better guess informed by their depth of knowledge.

While nothing in this book was novel, it is something to consider and worth a look to anyone who wants to better understand how we got to where we are.

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Lieutenant Colonel Christopher L’Heureux is an Armor Officer who enjoys running, sampling whiskey, and thinking about big ideas.

Mission Command is Applicable to the Total Force

A Guest Post by Lukas Toth

As a junior major, wrapping up my year at the College of Naval Command and Staff, I fully expected to find myself as Battalion Executive Officer or maybe on a Brigade or higher staff. I was very surprised when I was selected to command a unique headquarters company in a two-star headquarters consisting of nearly 300 Army Civilians, numerous contractors, and 135 Active and Reserve Soldiers. I had spent the last year learning about operational art and comparing and contrasting the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) with the Naval Planning Process (NPP) in preparation for my cubical on staff.

Struggles in Mission Command

Collectively, the U.S. Army understands the philosophy of Mission Command and defines it well in current doctrine, yet fails to understand how to effectively execute mission command.

This paper will highlight two significant areas of improvement in the execution of current mission command doctrine within the U.S. Army. First, commanders at echelon must understand well defined strategic and operational objectives in priority order. A greater understanding of the strategic and operational objectives by tactical and operational commanders will encourage disciplined initiative in achieving higher objectives where appropriate. Understanding initiative and risk because immense responsibility has been laid at their feet with unbalanced authority to execute the mission within the commander’s intent. The concept of risk acceptance weighs heavily in this dynamic. Adjustments in the practice of mission command in these two areas will have far reaching effects across domains.      

RX: Mission Command

It’s finally happened.  After years of toil and growing pains as a company grade officer, you’ve made it to the next level: the key position of field grade.  Moving to your new unit, you are in your first year as the S3 Operations Officer, ready and energetic to make a difference and earn your title of “Iron Major.”  The first few weeks of transition and the honeymoon period sail by as you learn the organization, your team, and the new boss.  But as the dust settles and you begin to see the landscape from an informed position, you realize that something is wrong.  

There is frustration.  There is a lot of frustration.  The tension is palpable, with friction on multiple levels.  The staff doesn’t cooperate, fights with higher headquarters staff, and is constantly at odds with the company commanders.  The commanders are disjointed, with each unit pulling in different directions.  No one seems to know what to do next, so they do nothing.  You’re frustrated, they’re frustrated, and to make it worse, the boss is frustrated. However, as the newest addition to the team, you realize that you may be the only one with enough perspective to solve the problem.  

It’s clear to you that there is a failure in mission command and that something has to change.  However, what is less clear is what the actual problem is.  You’ve seen other organizations disintegrate amid mission command failures, with the unit unhappy and unproductive, where it seemed easy to blame the commander for not trusting or providing guidance, or – on the other side of the coin – blame the subordinates for being lazy and not taking initiative.  But no one wins in these situations when you’re blaming your own people.

One evening, after the office has cleared out and you have time to think, you reconsider some past observations.  You wonder what your unit’s problem is, and you realize that each of those previous situations was different and unique.  A line from Tolstoy drifts into your head, that “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way,” and that you need to figure out what your family’s problem is…  Deep… You must be getting this field grade thing already.  Ok, back on track.

You intuitively know that jumping to implement a new program or aggressively embarking on a campaign to improve OPORDs is a real rookie mistake.  You realize that the first thing you need to do is correctly diagnose the problem – a little mission analysis.  From your perspective as mid-level management, you look at both the staff and the commanders as different entities, which might have their own subpopulations and problems. The unit overall is failing and ineffective, and, while this manifests in different ways, it seems like the common theme is lack of confidence.

Examining each piece as if it were a puzzle, you think about what makes the different groups that way… Is it that they are unwilling to take responsibility and initiative?  This is the easy and first answer to come to.  But with a little more thought, maybe it is more complex than that.  Maybe it is about ability, that they are not able to carry out the tasks, based on access or resources, and cannot take the next steps on their own… Or maybe it is that they do not have the capability to do so, that the potential to move forward is there, but not the skill mastery.

In dissecting the complex problem from different perspectives of staff sections and companies, you realize that they each have different challenges, and that each of these challenges requires a different solution.  You come to the conclusion that the principles of mission command align with different approaches to these problems.  An incapable staff section with junior leadership might need more training and coaching to increase its competence.  A company commander who has recently stepped on it (more than once) does not have the battalion commander’s trust and isn’t allowed to do anything without express permission.  In another example, you realize that the whole unit was hamstrung by the ability to exercise a mission, because the staff’s directions and analysis of their order were not good quality, resulting in a less-than-stellar order to the companies.  

You recognize that different populations and diverse situations all had different symptoms of the disease of mission command failure.  Not escaping scrutiny, you also realize that there may be situations where the boss did not provide the clearest intent, or may have been unwilling to release the grip of control enough to let things happen.  That’s another knot to uncoil.  

With new understanding washing over you, you sketch out a few ideas and recommendations that can be broadly implemented, with a few more that require specific direction at a targeted audience.  You know that you need to discuss this with the other Major on staff, your battle buddy, whose different experience and perspective may illuminate other circumstances.  Any approach to treating this disease of dysfunction has to be a combined effort.  

While you are fairly confident with your assessments, you are even more convinced that to cure the mission command problem, you have to correctly diagnose it.  Failure to do so would waste precious time and staff calories on the wrong problem.  Or, worse yet, succumbing to an attribution error or placing a value judgment (“the staff is lazy” or “the commander doesn’t give guidance”) would create more harm and allow the disease to grow… Armed with this clarity, you’re ready for the next step.  You’ve got this.

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MAJ Williams has operational experience in Iraq and Afghanistan and completed KD time as a battalion and brigade S3.

Mission Command + Command and Control: An Imperative for the Reserve Components

A Guest Post by Jon Farr

The July 2019 update of ADP6-0 contained several changes, notably the reintroduction of command and control as both a method for executing mission command and a warfighting function.  The manual’s introduction explains that this was necessary because, since the 2012 edition, the term mission command had become something of a catch-all phrase, muddying definitions and diluting the potential found in decentralized operations. As the Army refocuses on large scale ground combat operations (LSGCO) in a multi-domain environment, differentiating between mission command and command and control is necessary.  For the Reserve Components (RC), constrained by time and distance, employing an integrated Mission Command + Command and Control (MC+C2) approach is critical to building readiness. When the commander owns MC and the staff enables C2, units turn the inherent constraints of the RC into building blocks for readiness.