This is Part 8 of an 8 Part Series. The full and unredacted article with all enclosures is available on Milsuite at
Brigade FTX
After completing platoon LFX, battalion STX, and CALFEX, the BCT should identify any outstanding requirements to prepare for their brigade FTX as their final collective training opportunity before deployment to the National Training Center. Individual qualification ranges or secondary crew gunnery may be necessary before or immediately following the brigade FTX, but the brigade will also need a significant amount of time for recovery, unscheduled maintenance, and services after the crucible of training they just completed. The overall planning of a brigade FTX is the responsibility of the division, but the BCT has significant responsibilities in proposing and refining training objectives, integrating external enablers, and meeting preliminary requirements. The division will serve as the HICOM and EXCON for both the brigade and the OPFOR, has responsibility for sourcing and training OCs, and is responsible for spectrum management, approving training objectives, requesting training areas and resources, and the budget. The brigade must assist in the development of the simulations and communications architecture and must request Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES) and Home station Instrumentation Training System (HITS) for all personnel and equipment, so direct and indirect fire systems register effects during the training.